Boredom Busters Pick n Mix

We know that being a little bored is good for anyone including our children. It allows for thoughts and experiences to process in our minds and gives us the freedom to think up original ideas and plans.

BUT, sometimes there is little more frustrating that hearing a child whining about being bored. Sometimes your assurance of this not being the end of the world doesn’t cut it with them.

This is where our pack of ‘Boredom Busters’ comes in. Instead of being at a loose end and expecting your parents to come up with ideas, the B Buster cards offer ideas that can be done alone or can bring the family together.

Each card has an activity named on top, then a little tip underneath to get them started and extend it somewhat. These activities are designed to promote the development of the child from literacy & numeracy skills to health & well-being (emotional and physical).

From  This Free Printable, cut around each activity card and laminate or attach to card to keep them lasting longer. Let your child choose from the selection or for fun, let them pick blindly like a lucky dip!

Happy Boredom Busting!

Click here for Boredom Busters Pick n Mix

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